Voter Registration Deadline:
Primary: Saturday, August 22
General: Saturday, October 24
Deadline for election official to receive your ballot application:
​Primary: Wed, August 26, 5PM
General: Wed, October 28, 5PM
In-person early voting:
Primary:​ August 22-26
General: October 17-30
Election Day:
Primary:​ Tuesday, September 1
General: Tuesday, November 3
Reproductive Health Care ​
Advancing reproductive health care access and equity
Combating anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs)
Creating licensure for certified professional midwives
Championing racial equity in maternal health
Advocating for maternal mental health care
Jobs & Economy​
Supporting small businesses and working families
Pushing for green economy opportunities
Helping women reenter the workforce
Personal & Public Health
Championing infectious disease prevention infrastructure
Advancing youth mental health supports
Promoting pediatric care access
Advocating for universal access to quality and affordable health care
Addressing addiction and substance use
Transparent & Accountable Government​
Shedding light on the Legislature
Speaking up, standing up (for roll calls)
Publishing voting records
Improving government data management, privacy, and security​
Voting Access & Election Reform​
Advancing free, fair, and truly accessible elections
Pushing for more robust voting rights, like paid time off to vote, minimum ballot box counts, and comprehensive upgrades to voter rolls and voting systems
Ensuring full implementation of mail-in voting
Leading the charge to change our last-in-the-nation state primary date
Education & Childcare
Fighting for childcare as necessary infrastructure
Establishing universal, publicly-funded, tuition-free, full-day kindergarten and pre-K
Centering teachers, students, and parents in discussions on public education
Advocating for full funding and implementation of the Student Opportunity Act
Supporting 21st Century curriculum
Climate Action & Environmental Justice​
Reducing single-use plastics and improving waste management
Leading legislative work to green existing buildings
Investing in water quality and water access improvements
Working toward 100% renewable energy
Creating a statewide car seat recycling program
Supporting green energy conversion and job creation​
Civil Rights & Equity for All​​
Combating body size discrimination
Working to thwart workplace sexual harassment
Advancing civil rights for the LGBTQ+ community
Ensuring the safety, dignity, and civil rights of people experiencing homelessness
Pushing for stronger data privacy and security
Public Transportation
Improving infrastructure to generate reliability
Expanding services to increase rider access
Safeguarding reduced fares
Investing in community-based transit options
Public Safety
- Appropriately funding public professionals who support our community's health and safety, including law enforcement, firefighters, social workers, and others
- Increase effective communication with local public safety officials to develop ways to support new initiatives
S.125 | An Act providing for diaper changing stations in public buildings and accommodations
S.212 | An Act supporting access to training on reproductive and gender-affirming care
S.344 | An Act relative to celebrating and teaching Native American culture and history
S.346 | An Act ensuring access to mental health supports in K-12 schools
S.398 | An Act relative to councils on aging
S.399 | An Act protecting the rights of older adults and people with disabilities
S.432 | An Act to ensure a complete, accurate, and equitable census count
S.433 | An Act providing a local option for ranked choice voting in municipal elections
S.434 | An Act requiring tax return disclosure to appear on a presidential primary ballot
S.435 | An Act promoting democracy in primary elections
S.436 | An Act to modernize the central registry of voters
S.438 | An Act ensuring municipal participation of the widest eligible range
S.439 | An Act improving voting access and elections infrastructure
S.570 | The Plastics Reduction Act
S.706 | An Act relative to pediatric care appointments
S.708 | An Act enhancing post-pregnancy mental health care
S.800 | An Act relative to the fair treatment of life estates in MassHealth Eligibility
S.801 | An Act strengthening health spending accountability processes
S.847 | An Act to support college students in recovery
S.900 | An Act relative to electronic meetings and voting in condominiums
S.1108 | An Act prohibiting body size discrimination
S.1112 | An Act establishing a bill of rights for people experiencing homelessness
S.1114 | The Abortion Access Act
S.1219 | An Act to establish a standard for prevention of heat illness in outdoor public sector workers
S.1456 | An Act prohibiting the sale of dextromethorphan (DXM) to minors
S.1457 | An Act promoting access to midwifery care and out-of-hospital birth options
S.1458 | An Act promoting community immunity
S.1459 | An Act modernizing birth certificates
S.1460 | An Act relative to determinations of need
S.1579 | An Act to ensure compliance with the anti-shackling law for pregnant incarcerated women
S.1580 | An Act relative to health education in women's correctional institutions
S.1581 | An Act banning the use of tear gas against civilians
S.2059 | An Act establishing Election Day as a holiday and providing paid voting leave
S.2060 | An Act regarding information governance
S.2062 | An Act closing a loophole in lobbying law
S.2063 | An Act updating the Open Meeting Law to support remote participation
S.2064 | An Act extending the public records law to the Governor and the Legislature
S.2065 | An Act promoting governmental efficiency
S.2177 | An Act advancing water access equity
S.2178 | An Act relative to better buildings
S.2288 | An Act establishing a zero-emission school buses grant program